Se adjuntan los resúmenes de estudios publicados en revistas médicas. La relación siguiente es la lista de los títulos, entidades involucradas, autores y títulos de las Revistas que los publican:


– Mind–Body Interventions in Oncology

Linda E. Carlson, PhD, Barry D. Bultz, PhD

Address: Department of Psychosocial Resources, Tom Baker Cancer Centre/Alberta

Cancer Board, Holy Cross Site, 2202 2nd St. SW, Calgary, AB,

Canada T2S 3C1.

Current Medicine Group LLC 2008

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 15 (1993) 181-195

0 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

All rights reserved 0167-8760/93/$06.00 181 INTPSY 476


– Effects of hypnosis on regional cerebral blood flow during

ischemic pain with and without suggested hypnotic analgesia

Helen J. Crawford a, Ruben C. Gur b, Brett Skolnick ‘, Raquel E. Gur b

and Deborah M. Benson

  • Department of Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uniuersity, Blacksburg, VA (USA)
  • Brain Behavior Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
  • Department of Neurology,
  • The Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (USA) and
  • Department of Psychology, Queens College, New York NY

(Accepted 29 June 1993)


– Hypnosis and Neuroscience

A Cross Talk Between Clinical and Cognitive Research

Amir Raz, PhD; Theodore Shapiro, MD

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;59:85-9

William J. McGeown a, Giuliana Mazzoni a, Annalena Venneri a,b, Irving Kirsch

Department of Psychology, University of Hull, UK

Department of Neuroscience, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Article history: Received 27 April 2009 Available online 25 September Keywords:Hypnosis Suggestion Trance State Default mode Consciousness Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Neuro-imaging Frontal cortex Modulation of Inhibitory and Monitoring Cortical Networks during Hypnotic Paralysis


– Hypnotic Visual Illusion Alters Color Processing

in the Brain

Stephen M. Kosslyn, Ph.D., William L. Thompson, B.A.

Maria F. Costantini-Ferrando,Ph.D., Nathaniel M. Alpert, Ph.D.,

David Spiegel, M.D.

Adjunctive non-pharmacological analgesia for invasive medical

procedures: a randomised trial

Elvira V Lang, Eric G Benotsch, Lauri J Fick, Susan Lutgendorf, Michael L Berbaum, Kevin S Berbaum, Henrietta Logan,

David Spiegel

– A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Brief Hypnosis

Intervention to Control Side Effects in Breast

Surgery Patients

Guy H . Montgomery , Dana H . Bovbjerg , Julie B . Schnur , Daniel David , Alisan Goldfarb , Christina R. Weltz ,

Clyde Schechter , Joshua Graff-Zivin , Kristin Tatrow , Donald D . Price , Jeffrey H. Silverstein

Background Breast cancer surgery is associated with side effects, including postsurgical pain, nausea, and fatigue. Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99: 1304 – 12

– Hypnosis for nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy:

a systematic review of the research evidence

  1. RICHARDSON,phdreader in nursing and health studies

Faculty of Health and Social Work, Portland Square, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon,

J.E. SMITH, former research assistant

NHSP/CAMEO project, Research Council for Complementary Medicine,

  1. MCCALL, applied hypnosis, senior research radiographer

& psychological support

South-East London Cancer Centre, St Thomas’ Hospital, London,

  1. RICHARDSON, phd professor of cancer and palliative nursing care

The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and

Midwifery, King’s College London, Franklin Wilkins Building, London,


Project Manager/Senior Research Fellow, School of Integrated Health and Research Council for Complementary Medicine, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London,

& I. KIRSCH, phd, professor of psychology

School of Applied Psychosocial Studies, Portland Square,

University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, UK


European Journal of Cancer Care

70 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Vol. 31 No. 1 Jan 2006

– Hypnosis for Procedure-Related Pain and Distress in Pediatric Cancer Patients:

A Systematic Review of Effectiveness and Methodology Related to Hypnosis Interventions

Janet Richardson, PhD, Joanna E. Smith, Gillian McCall, and Karen Pilkington


  • Faculty of Health and Social Work (J.R.), University of Plymouth, School of Integrated Health (J.E.S., K.P.)


  • University of Westminster, London


  • South East London Cancer Center


  • St. Thomas Hospital, London, United Kingdom


THE LANCET Oncology Vol 2 April 2001

– Unconventional therapies for cancer and cancer-related symptoms

Andrew J Vickers and Barrie R Cassileth

Lancet Oncol 2001; 2: 226–32

AJV and BRC are at the Integrative Medicine Service, Memorial

Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA.

Dr Andrew J Vickers, Integrative Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021


THE LANCET Oncology Vol. 2 April 2001org

La Hipnosis médica en España y en el Mundo

Además del meta-estudio presentado por la CLÍNICA MAYO de Nueva York en el 2005 (citado más arriba y adjunto) que destaca 19 patologías en las que el empleo como coadyuvante de la hipnosis es indicado apoyándose en estudios publicados en las revistas Nature, Science, Oncology, todas ellas revistas médicas de alto prestigio, la hipnosis médica se utiliza en numerosos hospitales y clínicas de todo el mundo y se estudia en la mayoría de las universidades de medicina en el ámbito sajón. En Bélgica y en Francia se emplea a menudo, si el paciente lo desea, como anestesia psíquica o como coadyuvante de la anestesia química.

En España se está utilizando en la Unidad del Dolor del Hospital Universitario de Tarragona (tratamientos de fibromialgía con autohipnosis), en la Unidad del Sueño de la Clínica Rubber de Madrid, y en Oncología, por un grupo de voluntarios, en el Hospital la Paz de Madrid.